i just like it! my hair type is coarse dyed curly frizzy tough + slightly oily scalp, so it's super super hard to find a good shampoo, and i have the problem of smelly scalp even i wash my hair every day. but this product just suits me well, i feel so much better - no more smelly scalp and i can wash my hair every other day! the texture is like aloe jelly, quite interesting.
i've used all kinds of deodorants, rock crystals, TCM natural products... and THIS IS THE BEST! the effectiveness lasts the longest, no scent, not sticky, no irritation to the skin. i need to repurchase so i don't run out of it!!!!!!
didn't expect it's quite "solid" in terms of texture, but then it really stops itchiness pretty immediately. i bought the big one and it lasts around one month.
oh i love this face oil! it smells fruity, and i personally use like 10 drops per night (it said 2-3, but my skin is rather mature and needs more).
sorry but i just didn't like the smell. it felt like just any face oil to be honest, not easily absorbed.
謝謝您的評價,藍艾菊奇蹟軟膏的香味是來自100%天然及極其珍貴的藍艾菊精油,很高興您也喜歡這種天然香味 : )另外,此產品是一款全油性、不含水分的軟膏狀產品,適用於反覆受濕疹、主婦手、過敏等問題影響而變得乾燥、受損、龜裂的皮膚,主要作用是強效修復、滋潤、重建、療傷。雖然也有舒緩紅癢的作用,但的確這未必是產品的主要功效,如果想針對您的痕癢問題找適合產品,我們極度鼓勵您與我們的團隊聯繫,我們會根據您痕癢的情況為您推介最合適的止癢產品。希望可以幫到您 :)